It coming!! That's right, we know by now that Modern Warfare 3 is a deffo, the only question is... will it be as good as MW2?? There are allot of foul mouthed twelve year old's foaming form their pie holes hoping that it will be! If COD Black Ops is any benchmark then the outlook is hopeful once, there are no more surprise court cases (its not impossible ya know, this title is smothered in soap opera like drama).
Although developed by two different divisions of Activision it is likely that they will be sharing trade secrets and Infinity Ward (or whats left of them) have a massive statement to make with this title, its make or break time for the developer, so I imagine they will be throwing everything they have at it... here's hoping anyway!
Check out the official first trailer's below, not allot to see but still, its nice to see something at this early stage, we will be shooting all over the world anyway. We will find out all on November 8th when the game is released and we are sure to see lots more bits and bobs at E3 this Summer. Rumours are running riot of what to expect, from battles in Brooklyn to having missions involving Seal Team 6 - the Osama killers. Kotaku have a nice piece on it here. Lets see how this one unravels... Either way, I recon Battelfield 3 will be shitting in its boots.
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