Err! Arrr! Grrr!! Scared? You will be! Check out the latest Hell hole, 'Violence'. Its all Kill, kill, kill... wheres the love you say? Who cares! Now quit your whingeing and slice up some dead heads. Don't forget the Demo is coming out on the 24th of December (2009). Also (above) is the North American Xbox cover... meh!
Well, we have a few bits to add to the news below... Multiplayer is confirmed for a start, although there are no details on what exactly will be involved... co-op perhaps? Also, as suspected the campaign takes place on the a planet surface of of a Saturn Moon within the space station called 'Sprwal'. This is said to be massive, way bigger than the original Dead Space and has many different 'themed' areas. You shall be Isaac Clarke again and can now float in zero G during game play. Isaac also decides to break his silence and has talking parts in the game... All sounds alien-arific... We'll let ya know more as we get it.
Previously reported: Blood, guts and gizzards, Dead Space had it all! Its fair to say that Dead Space 2 will have all of the same and more. From the newest released image (below) of DP2 its a fair guess that you will be kicking gooey dead ass on the planet surface this time. Theres also talk of Multiplayer... hmmm. Well keep you posted on the updates for this when we get em. In the meantime, if you haven't checked out the Dead Space animated series, do it now cos I recon its vital background for the game to come...
Whose the Daddy? You are ya plank! This eerie little trailer reminds you of what pleasures a Dig Daddy has, little girls, big sisters and a city of floating bloated meat sacks... You might need therapy after playing this game and a restraining order to keep ya away from children... its all very twisted but looks good!
This is only rumour at the moment but apparently a little leak about Sony's answer to 'Project Natal' has a name... its 'Gem'. Apparently EA head honcho John Riccitiello said at a conference in New York: "In the coming year, both Sony and Microsoft have announced new controllers. Motion sensor controls, Natal and Gem, these are likely to bring new consumers into the marketplace" Hmmm... sounds fairly real to me... but Sony are taking the fifth on the subject "No official name for the PlayStation motion controller has been announced" - We recon this is 'Not Bullshit!' Is it a Gem? We shall have to wait and see and hopefully the actual controller will not just be cheap costume jewelery! Fingers crossed eh!
Blood, guts and gizzards, Dead Space had it all! Its fair to say that Dead Space 2 will have all of the same and more. From the newest released image (below) of DP2 its a fair guess that you will be kicking gooey dead ass on the planet surface this time. Theres also talk of Multiplayer... hmmm. Well keep you posted on the updates for this when we get em. In the meantime, if you haven't checked out the Dead Space animated series, do it now cos I recon its vital background for the game to come...
Infinity ward and Microsoft have been having massive shit attacks over a little glitch in MW2 multiplayer... even to the point of suspending players on the xbox! So what is this little bug... well it allows you to blow allot of shit up when you die and take other players with you! Sweet you say, but if your on the receiving end of this its just a pain in the ass and leads to an empty map... not to worry, a fix is soon on its way. It would be irresponsible of anyone that showed how this little Javelin glitch is used, so without further a do, here it is... Glitch responsibly!
The annual Video Game Awards are to be held Live on December 12th (2009) at 8pm eastern U.S. time, you can do the math yourself to figure out what time this is for your country... It will be aired on Spike TV and you may also vote here. So get to it, have your say, time is running out!
Check out this cool mod 'Galactic Warfare' from a bunch of German modders - BLACKMONKEYS.DE. Its pretty cool and not a Jedi in sight... It's there for the taking... get it!