Halo Reach is coming September 14th and to celebrate Bungie are unvailing several nice (pricey) editions for the game but the newest one is an actual Xbox 360, all nice and silver. It is the new 'slim' model and comes with 2 custom wireless controllers and of course the game. It is currently priced at a whopping $399. The new Kinect Xbox bundle in November is set to price in at $299... Guess silver paint is pricey eh! If you are still interested in throwing away your money then check out the vid and picture below to see what you will get. I call this the 'Bend over Pack', figure out why for yourself...
Well the Microsoft Wii... er I mean Kinect is nearly here and we already have the new slim Xbox 360 in the shops, but what if you want both? How much will it cost ya? Before you rush out and blow your wad on the new Xbox slim now, it might be wiser to wait till the bundle comes out... if you are into the whole Kinect thing that is.
The word from Microsoft is that Kinect on its own will launch in the USA for £150, in the UK for £129 and Europe in general for €149. (For us Irish that doesn't include the usual 'Paddy Tax' that rip off Ireland is famous for adding to all products, so we shall see what that will pump up the price to!) This will also include a game, that one where ya jump around on the inflatable raft like a retard on speed... What is being marketed as the Xbox 4GB model (no mention of the HD) and Kinect bundle, plus the retard game, is said to be $300 in the USA - £250 in the UK - €250 in Europe. Which is interesting because currently the new Xbox is already €250, without Kinect. Or is that just the old Paddy Tax at play...Hmmm.
So, bottom line is... wait and see what happens when Kinect and the bundles are released in November! In the meantime you can always dust off your Wii and prepare for Kinect... or get the cheaper PS3 'Move' setup in September... or just play some real games and ignore all this motion gaming crap. What is it all coming too, eh!?