Check it out Bitchaaaz!! We have a new feature for all you sick puppies out there. Were doing our own comic piece's!! Master Gii Bag has kindly put together a twisted piss-take of the old Arcade/Sega game Golden Axe (titled - 'Golden Axe Reloaded'), into comic form for your sick appetites. Part 1 - Little Man is up and ready to be viewed. It might be a bit unsavoury but its also dammed funny!! Just click on the image or HERE to Jump. Hope you enjoy it and stay tuned for the next in the series.
Sweet baby Jesus, I love Valve! They can do no wrong. Portal was feckin great, Portal 2 looks feckin greater, and now they have a Co-Op mode, all that is left to do is dip the game in gold and perfection is achieved!! Check out the trailer for this mode below, looks like a robot 'Dumb and Dumber' thing going on. They must workout!!
Our buddies over at Giant Bomb put together this great lil feature of PAX 2010, lots of cool shit to see, interviews, previews, the lot and with lashings of humour from the lads. You'd be a fool not to watch it... so watch it fool!! Enjoy!
More intergalactic action for yaz below from Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2, this time its all about the force powers. I like the 'Mind Trick' one best so far, just imagine if you had that power in your daily life... 'You will give me all your beer!' - 'You will give me a pay raise!' - 'Hey there pretty lady, come with me!' - 'It is bigger than it looks!' err, loosing the run of myself there, but you get the idea! Man I bet that Yoda has some serious party stories...
Now listen up game geeks! You might think that your ability to game is a god given right, and it is... but there are some egg head government types in the USA, particularly California, that could change all this. They are trying to put the foot down on the games industry which will result in less and poorer quality games. "But, I don't live in the USA!" you say - well it doesn't matter smart ass! If things get all messed up in America the ripple effect will change gaming for the world. Modern Warfare, Gears of War, Medal of Honour, kiss their grandchildren goodbye if these suits get their way!
There is a petition to sign over at the ECA'S website (if your not a US resident then use your imagination!!!). If you sign this it will go a long way to stopping the egg heads from getting their way. Cant say I usually give a crap about political things but this one really set off some alarm bells and it should set off yours too!! If you want to know more details on this complicated issue then check out the G4tv video below or go to the ECA website here. This shits important, so hop to it solider this war is for real and its ours!!
Ok, the heads of Bungie got together and gave a talk about the oncoming Halo Reach. Its really long and only for the true Halo nerd... Very informative, epically from a development point of view with lots of concept art and wire frames of the early game. Story elements and character development are discussed so be wary that their might be some minor spoilers... Check it out below courtesy of G4tv and Pax2010. Make a coffee first though!!
Its Irish! Its for Gamers! Its the beginning of something Big!! No, I'm not talking about a giant green gaming leprechaun, I'm talking about the 'Gamer Expo' this October! Just imagine the global gaming community traveling to Ireland for one of the biggest gaming events of the year. OK, so that's not going to happen this year but imagine it in a few years from now, E3 started off small and so did the GamesCom in Germany, I see great things for the future of Irish gaming and this is going to be a part of it! Wouldn't you like to say that you attended the first year of what has become the envy event of the gaming community?? Then get your ass down to the Gamer Expo in Citywest this October, it is going to be big and sexy! Give it some good old Irish backing! So, what to expect...? There will be 4 big LAN war arenas for all the multi player heads where they can take part in tournaments and win stuff! Check out the new and preview titles in the Demo zone. There will also be tecky stuff to oogle at like 3D gaming telly's and you can even hit the retail area to splash your cash if your in the mood. If that doesn't keep you happy then head over to the Gamer Lounge where ya can chill with a drink and get some grub while ya chat about what to do next. There will be developer talks for those with a keener interest in the games industry and on the last day there will be a big Cos Play where everyone dresses up like a total loony in order to win the top prize, what the hell, its on Halloween day anyway! Its not often us ghouls wander out of Reaper Towers but this is one event that will make us put down the joy pad and meet the plebs, so if you see us there feel free to say hi, or get stuffed or whatever... For more information on tickets check the Gamer Expo site.We will keep you posted with regular updates and news bits for this fab event between now and the 29th of October. We might even have some free tickets to give away, so keep your eyes peeled, and spread the good word!
By now any of you that love a bit of Zombie bashing have had the chance to play the DR2 - Case Zero (Demo) and will know exactly what kind of blood and guts mayhem to expect from the full title. If you haven't, then get the finger out and start decapitating some dead dudes!! Check out the latest trailer on DR2, its coming to get you at the end of September. Be prepared!!!