Well, Rockstar promised us the trailer for LA Noir today and they delivered! Check it out below. Looks pretty good, although theres not really allot to judge it on. Love the concept and the music sets the tone... Ooo the drama! They even have the token Irish cop, Be-gorra! Bet theres a bunch of Irish drunks in it too... Arg! Looking forward to this one and with Rockstar at the helm its hard to see how ithe game could be crap, right? - Spring 2011 is the date for now.
Aghhhh!!! Its a giant baby!! Sweet Jesus, someone call a doctor, that kid must have a massive tumour. If I saw him walking towards me I would run away in terror... not smile at that mutated cranium! Judging by the second video this condition is spreading... Shoot on sight I say, it would be impossible to miss a headshot... Time for some Left 4 Head methinks! PS3 TV commercials are so... odd.
We have it on good authority that any Lady Avatars on the Xbox 360 can get two pieces of clothing for Call of Duty Black Ops, totally free... the 'SR 71 Flight Suit' and the 'Woods Outfit'. The reason for this is cos Activision gave free codes to people who bought the special editions and pre-orders but forgot to include chicks in all of it... how sexist! Anyway, 'shut up and tell us the free codes you pleb' I hear you scream... Oh, ok then, here they are: SR 71 Flight Suit - GYVF8-PF7RY-28D7V-VGWV8-CFGRM Woods Outfit - R76BQ-CR3MF-G2TTF-9G36R-BQWJD
You cant try them on first aparently, so there will be no 'does my bum look big in this' moments. Well ladies... got anything for me? Boww-chicka waaa waa... eh! ;)
Now that COD BO is being played with more than Charlie Sheens wiggley bits, we all have an idea of just how good the game is... but if that's not enough for ya and you are wondering how to play that mini game DOA that you may have heard about or for loads more goody bits, just check out the G4 reveal below. Don't worry, theres no spoilers. Its a nice touch this, I like it! Other game developers - take note! Good one for all you computer nerds out there also...
The ghouls of Reaper Gaming are going to the Irish launch party for Microsoft's Kinect tomorrow night (Wednesday 10th Nov) and we want to know what you want to know about Kinect. Have any questions you would like to ask Microsoft directly? Want us to try out a specific game? Tell us what you want by leaving a comment in the area below or on Facebook/Twitter, or just mail us at - ReaperGaming@gmail.com - before tomorrow night. Ask and you shall receive peeps! Oh, and yes, we will be very drunk so no big words, yipee!
OK, its out! The most talked about game of the year has hit our screens and the carnage will now commence. To celebrate we have three nice vids for you below. The first is Ice T unpacking the 'Prestige' edition, where he also shares his xbox call sign, followed by the Game Trailers video review which has a few surprises in it (like a hidden mini game) and lastly is the first glitch to appear in COD BO... is it a noob tube glitch? Or perhaps an immunity glitch? Well, ya will just have to watch the video to find out, how do ya like them apples!? Overall it looks like Treyarch have laid to rest any doubts that they couldn't pull of a 'Modern Warfare' type game, which is good for us gamers, plus they added zombies! So, happy fragging fraggers, and as Ice T might say - 'see ya online, Motherf**kers!'