More 'Fallout New Vegas' goodies for the geeks! Like Art? Like Games? Like Fallout? Then watch this Dev diary bout all of the fore mentioned. It really does look like Vegas, unlike some recent games that claim to be set there 'cough - Dead Rising 2 - cough'. Sorry, did someone say something... um?
Zombies, zombies everywhere and not a one to screw! Yep, more brainless meat sacks for ya. Left 4 Dead 1&2 DLC - 'The Sacrifice' is nearly here for us, coming on October 5th and you can watch the preview below. Looks like Bill is truly fooked! But you can make that decision for yourself when you play it. The Sacrifice will be free for PC and Mac players but will be 560msp on the Xbox, which sucks shriveled up zombie balls! That said, Id sell my zombified granny to play it. Enjoy!
Zombie overload!! I love it! Here is the trailer for the upcoming RDR 'Undead Nightmare' DLC. Still no exact date but I'll say it again that It simply must be around this Halloween, I'll bet my rootin tootin meat head shootn guns on it! If they don't then their as dumb as bat shit and Rockstar ain't no dummies! Not allot is revealed here but you definitely get the vibe of whats coming... ooo zombie Bears, freaky!
Its time for another Xbox dashboard update!! I tell ya - Microsoft changes things around more often than Paris Hilton gives head... But I guess both are expected and generally beneficial for our enjoyment. Below there is a brief run through on some of the new features that gamers in the USA will be able to access, we'll let you know when a European (cut down and less impressive) version is available. This vid (courtesy of G4tv) contains a look at the new ESPN, MNBC and a few Avatr details among other bits. Nothing to blow your stained Y-fronts off but I guess over all its an improvement plus it looks different. Also theres the whole Kinect side that hasn't really been seen yet... but do you really care about that?
We are really ramping up for Halloween with all the ghoul gear today! Check out the pin up boy for the Undead Nightmare DLC, look familiar? Its John Marston... as a zombie, duh! Anyway the pack will include new weapons, animals, weird mythical creatures and of course zombies! It will also have some new multi player modes and did I mention it has ZOMBIES!!! It will be out for the PS3 and Xbox soon, don't have a release date as of yet but I'm guessing it will be around Halloween. So, are you ready for more Zombies, rootin tootin style???
It is drawing near, this November you will be able to slip back into the shadows for some medieval assassin action and perhaps some cross dressing! PS3 owners are getting the beta on the new multi player just about now so we should soon see more info on just how cool this new format of game really is and I predict that it will be kick ass. In the meantime check out the promo vids below it will give you a better idea of the options that will be available when the game hits.
Sticking with our October spookfest here is another classic horror based game! Castlevania - Lord of Shadows! Loved the original 2D scrollers but this is looking like a cross between 'God of War' and 'Dantes Inferno' both of which were excellent games, if ya like a bit of action smothered in fantasy! Looks nice and mature also which is never a bad thing, sorry kiddies! Check out the Documentary below on the game but I warn you - the intro and music are crap and its quite long so go make a cuppa. That said it is informative on the story to come.
Do you like Games? Course ya do or else your definitely lost... Do you like Lego? Course you do, who doesn't!! Well the talented lads over at The Brothers Brick are masters of combining both, check out below the cool Space Marines from Warhammer... and there are loads more, Halo, Starcraft and various other well known games and general media influences! Go check em out!! Makes me want to be a kid again... well, a kid that is allowed to drink and smoke.
Left 4 Dead is probably one of the best frantic paced zombie based games ever and a dammed good shooter in its own right! Valve have been very consistent with their DLC and this time we are getting something to please both L4D1 and L4D2 fans. As all us Dead Heads know poor Bill bought the farm in the series as it stands... but you can change all that and decide for yourself which of the original four end up as zombie chowder in 'The Sacrifice'. It tells the story of how the old meet the new hero's and all the zombie and guts filled fun in between. The DLC will be usable in the single player and all multi player modes for either of the games, class eh! Its free to PC gamers (yay Valve!) but will cost 560msp on Xbox (Booo Microsoft!) and will be here well in time for the ghoul fest of Halloween when it hits on October 5th! I do love the season of spookiness!
Ok, so the Halo Reach machine is still rolling on! Two bits for ya here cos I'm trying to save the virtual trees!
First, there has been some hints as to new DLC coming for Reach. The image below from the Bungie weakly update hints at an extra 250 points within 10 achievements which means DLC. Yay! Could it be the Co-Op pack that has been bounced around or something else, perhaps involving multi player dogfights... just a hopeful guess.
Last is this little Glitch below that could potentially rank you up well fast. Its wrong, its cheating but its totally legal. This dude made it up the ranks while stockpiling over 20,000 credits!! Check out the video and the steps below on how to do this immoral act and give it a go... it could be bullshit but I recon it will work, at least till bungie release an update...
"Step 1: Choose ONI:Sword Base in Campaign on Normal with free for all score.Step 2: Run through the level till you can pick up the Target Locator.Step 3: Walk to the door and wait for a "Checkpoint"Step 4: Fire at the enemies!Step 5: Press start, choose "Revert to last save" and let teh credits roll!"
Are ya ready for a good old spook fest this Halloween? Good, cos its time to turn off the lights and lock the doors! Prepare for the season of scary stuff with some Alan Wake DLC 'The Writer', coming October 12th, it will cost you 560msp, which isn't bad. Have to say that this second DLC has been a bit slow in coming compared to the norm... Hopefully it has been worth the wait. Check out the preview below and try not to stain the couch when ya get a fright! Boo!