Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Halo Reach - Birth of a Spartan - Full Version!

Powerful stuff! Here is the new promo for Halo Reach - 'Birth of a Spartan', its the extended version so if you have only seen the short one this is still worth a look. Get your Jet packs fuelled up cos the Beta is out on Monday the 3rd of May, which for us Irish is a Holiday, so painful thumbs for Tuesday I recon. Sweet!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Alan Wake 'Bright Falls' movies now available....

We'll horror fans, Alan Wake will be hitting the shelves on May 17th and in the run up there are some live action movies to get the adrenalin flowing... Xbox Live gold subscribers can see these flick from today on their console but for the non xbox owner you can get the jump on these over at the New York Times site,(just click here). Don't forget the popcorn!

Star Wars - The Old Republic - Combat Dev Diary Vid.

Now that Bioware have shipped Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age Origins along with much of the DLC for these great games it looks like the focus will be on Star Wars The Old Republic. So expect to see allot more of this game over the coming months. Were big Star Wars nerds here at Reaper Towers but were a bit apprehensive about this... It looks a little cartoony for us. Since Lucas destroyed the great universe he originally created (with the last three movies), all things Star Wars have become a bit of a gamble. God dammed you George! Anyway, we still have our fingers crossed that this will be a kick ass game and not a galactic f**kup!