L.A Noir - New Trailer. Someone call the cops - were being screwed again!
Ok Dick, get out your privates... er I mean - Ok Private Dick, get out your gun... Its time for some crime solving and I don't meant in the game! Check out the latest L.A Noir trailer 'The Naked City - Vice Case" below. Its fast and and it doesn't reveal a whole lot but it still looks cool! This is basically to be one single crime case or mission, which will come in the form of free DLC... Dont get too happy though cos unfortunately its a gamestop only pre-order bonus - which is the biggest crime of all!! Personally I think someone should be shot for that decision, I mean what if Game or HMV or whomever decides to have a different 'mission' dlc as an exclusive?? Do we have to buy a copy at each store just to play the extra stuff? Arg! Wheres my gun... I'm gonna commit a murder!
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